These pictures make me laugh just looking at them! These little guys were so much fun. And, apparently they liked me okay because they told me that they wanted to keep me as their pet! Hehe, love it :) I have a soft spot for "boy" families (since I am the proud owner of one myself) and have absolutely no problem rolling around in the dirt with the kiddos in order to get the perfect shots - which I did!
Family Advisory User Group. I was truly honored to be asked to shoot this event. Parents of children with chronic illnesses meet with representatives from Nemours Children's Hospital once a month to discuss various plans for the upcoming hospital. The issues at hand are relevant to us all in Central FL, and especially to those of us with children. While I feel extremely blessed to have two healthy children, my brother was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes when he was just 11 months old. I have to applaud these parents for devoting their time so selflessly to ensure that we all have the very best resources available should we ever need them. And of course, a huge thank-you and pat on the back to Nemours, for making it all happen!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I think I'm going to have to pay mom to let these two come work for me! They were a hoot - my cheeks literally hurt from laughing so much. They had great ideas and were so sweet together! Big brother discovered his "signature pose" during our shoot (see if you can figure out what that is) and didn't seem to mind hanging out with a bunch of girls TOO much :) This shoot was really cool because it captured four generations in one family! Grammy was a good sport, even though I hear she's not a huge fan of having her picture taken. I hope they will treasure these sweet images of their beautiful family for years to come.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Can I get one of these skirts in my size? These little beach beauties were just too precious. They looked like little white cupcakes floating down the beach! We had quite a morning....about 5 minutes after we arrived at our destination on the beach, we got caught in the freezing rain. We took a brief hiatus and resumed about 20 minutes later, comb in hand, with perfect lighting (thank you!). These two were troopers...despite being wet and cold, they gave me some great shots. Such sweet sisters :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I did a maternity shoot last week with Katie and soon-to-be big sister Hannah! I just love preggo bellies! There's something so amazing and intimate about capturing a little person before they are born. Of course, mama's beautiful pregnant glow didn't hurt :) Big sister was just as sweet as can be, love her! I can't wait until December (or November!) when I get to meet this little guy face to face! Until then, I leave you with, what else, but some of my favorites: