This week, I had the pleasure of shooting headshots for five lovely ladies! I'm so used to working with children (which I love!) that it was a nice change of pace to have some grown up participants who were willing to change things up a bit. Two of the headshots will be featured in an upcoming issue of Orlando Magazine, highlighting the honorees for "The Greatest Night" an event honoring up and coming business professionals in central Florida. One of the nominees, Jaclyn Power, is committed to help fight cystic fibrosis (CF) by raising $5,000.00. To read the very special story of the family behind her motivation, and if you would like to donate to help fund research and a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, please click here: be honest, I think all of the headshots turned out great - I had such photogenic subjects - but here are just a few of my very favorites:




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